We should build places with character

Posted Posted in Design, News

Create Streets’ senior architectural designer, Robert Kwolek, considers how important a strong character and identity is to beautiful places with which residents and visitors can fall in love. We tend to like places with a unique identity, those places with a strong, easily recognisable character. Think about the most beautiful places in the world. Usually […]

Happiness: a blueprint for the sustainable future

Posted Posted in Design, Wellbeing

Create Streets Fellow, Sofie Pringle, asks if user happiness can create a more successful neighbourhood. Creating the successful neighbourhood is important, especially in an increasingly urbanising environment. Happiness is a critical component of this. If we could distil the ‘happiness’ feeling that a person experiences in a given space, irrespective of the social activities and […]

Building Beauty

Posted Posted in Design

Beauty remains a problem for many in design, something that is very difficult to talk about. We have heard esteemed colleagues saying they would not pronounce publicly the word “beauty” because that would damage their reputations as academics and scientists. The same could be said of the word “feeling”. Engaging with these basic, fundamental human […]